I went out to milk this morning, and Blondie had a surprise for me!!!! Blondie is a Fullblood Boer doe that we brought home in June. This wasn't a *total* surprise.. but we didn't know exactly when she would kid. Blondie's surprise is a doeling.
Cute goats! Over on my Sugar Mountain Farm blog on the Winter Hen Coop post you asked about bending rebar to make a chicken hoop house. Drill the holes, insert the 10' lengths of #3 (3/8") or #4 (1/2") rebar and bend the other tip over to the other hole. Rebar bends pretty easily - it's a soft iron. Having one end in the frame of the base makes the whole process much easier. The heavier #4 rebar is not necessary. I tend to use what I've got on hand for a lot of projects. Often stuff left over from other projects.
Thank you so much for sharing your time and information with me. It was one of the highlights of my trip to Vermont. Your baby goats were precious and the eggs were delicious. You really have a special place there. Thank you again. Karen Abell Chesterfield, VA
Cute goats! Over on my Sugar Mountain Farm blog on the Winter Hen Coop post you asked about bending rebar to make a chicken hoop house. Drill the holes, insert the 10' lengths of #3 (3/8") or #4 (1/2") rebar and bend the other tip over to the other hole. Rebar bends pretty easily - it's a soft iron. Having one end in the frame of the base makes the whole process much easier. The heavier #4 rebar is not necessary. I tend to use what I've got on hand for a lot of projects. Often stuff left over from other projects.
OH, my gosh. Too cute for words. If I were the squeal-with-delight type I'd be impossible right now.
Your blog is lovely - please post some more if you're so inclined.
Thank you so much for sharing your time and information with me. It was one of the highlights of my trip to Vermont. Your baby goats were precious and the eggs were delicious. You really have a special place there. Thank you again. Karen Abell Chesterfield, VA
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